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Group Classes vs. Private Classes

Did you know….Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. With over 460 million native Spanish speakers across the globe, it’s no secret that learning Spanish can increase your job prospects and make communication while traveling a whole lot simpler. The most recommended way to learn a foreign language is to study abroad in a Spanish speaking country and fully immerse yourself in the culture and language. Taking Spanish classes in Argentina in the cosmopolitan city of Buenos Aires is a great way to throw yourself into the language learning experience and connect with some 3 million of those native Spanish speakers.

Marc Rogers
Marc Rogers
Group Classes vs. Private Classes

Studying at an accredited Spanish school in Argentina, like Expanish, with local teachers and dedicated staff, will ensure that you will be receiving the best immersion program while abroad. However, now that you’ve decided to sign up for Spanish classes in Argentina, you’ll need to consider your learning style and choose between group or private classes. In this blog, we’ll break down the differences between the two so you can decide which is best for you.

Group Classes vs. Private Spanish Classes

When creating an education plan for your Spanish learning journey, it’s important that you choose a class structure based on your individual learning style and language goals. Ask yourself the following: do you like personalized attention or do you benefit from learning with classmates? Do you need to practice specific exercises or do you enjoy listening to others speak while listening in? When it comes to your Spanish language learning, there is no correct answer as to which course is better. It all boils down to personal preference and language goals.

To help assist with the decision, we’ve provided a breakdown of the pros and cons for these two common types of Spanish Classes in Argentina.

Group Classes

At a glance: you are in a classroom with, on average, 7 other students from all around the world, however, you’re all united under the common goal of learning. Your local Argentine teacher explains some grammar or vocabulary concepts, provides interactive content, and engages the students in group activities. Some students are shyer than others, yet everyone has a chance to practice speaking. You even hear students making the same errors as you—so you relax, knowing that making mistakes is okay and accepted in the classroom. It’s only through making mistakes that you really learn the language, and the classroom provides a safe space for you to feel comfortable making errors.

group class


  • Daily group interaction, which rapidly improves spoken skills

  • Meeting and making international friends in the classroom.

  • Practicing Spanish in a fun, interactive and supportive environment


  • Lessons can sometimes be too slow for students who learn very quickly. Alternatively, the class may be too fast for students who may struggle in the classroom or who have missed glass time.

  • Group lessons have a fixed schedule, which may not work for everyone.

  • You won’t get as much one-on-one attention from the teacher as you would in private lessons.

Group lessons are best for travelers who want to make friends, those who want to learn general Spanish, those encouraged by group activities, and those who want the best economic deal.

Private Classes

At a glance: You and your teacher begin class with materials tailor-made to your personal Spanish level, as well as your individual interests (e.g. medicine, travel, politics, general, etc), and as lessons continue, your professor is able to adapt the lessons to your learning style. You have the full attention of the teacher and you are able to ask all the questions you’d like, have your grammar corrected when needed, and quickly achieve your language learning goals.

private class


  • Students generally learn faster in private classes because adaptive teaching is easy to achieve. The one-on-one environment means that the student is always engaging with the language.

  • Students can focus on materials that interest them and enjoy a personalized class schedule that fits their needs.

  • Both the teacher and the student can focus on the student’s language goals and areas that need strengthening.


  • Fewer chances to meet other students in the school (unless combined with group classes)

  • The one-on-one environment may make it more difficult for students to stay 100% focus at all times. The constant engagement also means that students are usually more tired than group lessons.

  • Private lessons do require a larger financial investment as opposed to group lessons.

Private lessons are best for business professionals, students who desire a flexible class schedule, students who want to learn at a rapid pace and want individualized attention, and students at level B2 or higher.

Combined Classes

If you’re in-between the two options, there is a third option that combines both the group and private lessons. Expanish’s Combination Lessons combine 20 classes of group lessons with 5 or 10 classes of private lessons. These classes are perfect for students who want to experience the best of both worlds, while rapidly excelling at their Spanish language learning.

When choosing Spanish classes in Argentina to suit your needs, there is a lot of thinking that goes into the decision making process. Regardless of group or private classes, students will always be engaged in lessons that are dynamic, effective and fun. Some students begin with group classes and then choose to tailor their learning with private lessons towards the end of their study abroad adventure, while others stick to only group or only private classes.

You should choose the class structure that best fits your individual learning needs and your Spanish language goals. Whether group or private lessons, you’ll be able to join the over 500 million Spanish speakers worldwide!

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